81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
These ones speak to our salty hearts. In the sea of witty sayings, these verses truly touch us and we find them to be, ah, so true!
Looking for something emotional, spiritual, inspiring? Or, maybe witty, funny, feisty?
I have you covered.
We sailed hundreds of miles; I read through hundreds of quotes and picked the ones which show the many facets of this complicated and amazing life at sea.
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All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
81 Best Sailing Quotes
Why do you need sailing quotes? Why 81 of them! Use them whenever you need to:
- Lift up your spirit.
- Need something to go with that great sailing song.
- Have a great thought to accompany your morning coffee.
- Make a custom gift – these are excellent on cups and T-shirts.
- Lighten the mood.
- Say something funny before your say, “Cheers!”
Inspirational Quotes About Sailing

Sailing revealed to us the larger and, in many ways, the better side of our world. I wish I had the words to describe the feelings and emotions out on the water.
But I do not.
So, I offer to you these powerful and inspiring words of others.
1. “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
– Christopher Columbus
2. “It’s remarkable how quickly a good and favorable wind can sweep away the maddening frustrations of shore living.”
– Ernest K. Gann
3. “Sailors, with their built-in sense of order, service and discipline, should really be running the world.”
– Nicholas Monsarrat
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45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
4. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain
5. “The wind and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigator.”
– Edmund Gibbon
6. “Who is staring at the sea is already sailing a little.”
– Paul Carvel
7. “Remember. It was a professional who built the Titanic, it was an amateur who built Noah’s Ark.”
– Vanessa Linsley
Funny Sailing Quotes

If there is one thing all boaters share, it is the sense of humor and the ability to laugh at ourselves.
These funny quotes are not always born out of fun times. But we have all been there.
And we can look back and laugh about it now.
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8. Sailing: The fine art of getting wet and becoming ill while slowly going nowhere at great expense.
– Henry Beard and Roy Mckie
9. Sorry for what I said when I was docking the boat.
– Unknown
10. If you can’t repair it, maybe it shouldn’t be on board.
– Lin and Larry Pardey
Boat life:
Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
11. “The best bilge pump of all is a bucket in the hands of a frightened man.”
– Butch Dalrymple-Smith
12. “Sometimes I wonder if my sailboat is thinking about me too.”
– Unknown
13. “A diesel loves her oil same as a sailor loves rum.”
– Kurt Russell (Captain Ron), Captain Ron
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Can you Live on a Boat? Yes, and Now is the Right Time.
Catamaran vs Monohull: Let’s Solve This (we Lived on Both).
The Cost of Living on a Boat for our Family of Five.
14. Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.”
– Brooks Atkinson
15. “To my crew:
Please be reasonable and do it my way.”
The Captain
– Rusty Mills
16. “When the draught of your vessel exceeds the depth of the water, you are most assuredly, aground.”
– Ian Walsh
Emotional Sailing Quotes

It is hard to introduce these next quotes, without sounding like I am trying to invent one myself.
They say that on the water, the highs are really high, and the lows are really low. It is true. We have been through quite a few challenging times on the water.
But then the highs make us forget.
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17. “The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.”
– Isak Dinesen
18. “He who lets the sea lull him into a sense of security is in very grave danger.”
– Hammond Ines
19. “The man who never dreams, goes slowly mad.”
– Thomas Dolby
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45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
20. I don’t know who named them swells. There’s nothing swell about them. They should have named them awfuls.”
– Hugo Vihlen
21. If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
– Seneca, Roman Philosopher
Spiritual Sailing Quotes

We feel incredibly humbled on the water. Exposed, vulnerable, yet free and full of hope, forever admiring this incredible home God has created for us.
Few other times in my life, my prayers have been as sincere and my gratitude as genuine, as while sailing under the stars.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
22. “Keep us, our God; for your ocean is so wide and our boat is so small.”
– A Greek Orthodox sailor’s prayer.
23. There go the ships: [there is] that leviathan, [whom] thou hast made to play therein.
– Psalm 104:26
24. The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market: and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in the midst of the seas.
– Ezekiel 27:25
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Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
25. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
– Luke 5:3
26. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
– Isaiah 42:10
27. And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
– Acts 10:11
You might be wondering:
Can you Live on a Boat? Yes, and Now is the Right Time.
Catamaran vs Monohull: Let’s Solve This (we Lived on Both).
The Cost of Living on a Boat for our Family of Five.
28. “Sail with those who sail; travel with those who travel;”
– Divine Liturgy prayer
Feisty Sailing Quotes

Go for it – say what you want to say. Boaters are known to speak and sing from the heart.
The thing is, when our lives depend on it, and the risks and dangers are so real, there can be little room for politeness.
Ah, that’s OK, they don’t mean it.
Actually, we do.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
29. “The sea hates a coward.”
– Hugh Rawson
30. “He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea.”
– Thomas Fuller
31. “Only fools and passengers drink at sea.”
– Allan Villiers
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45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
32. “There are more sharks on the land than in the sea.”
– Neil Wheatley
33. “The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.”
– Mike Baiocchi
34. “May Thor fill your sails, to the place of vengeance!”
– Vikings, Season 2
Boat life:
Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
35. “Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat.”
– Jean-Paul Sartre
36. “The sea finds out everything you did wrong.”
– Francis Stokes
37. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”
– John A. Shedd
You might be wondering:
Can you Live on a Boat? Yes, and Now is the Right Time.
Catamaran vs Monohull: Let’s Solve This (we Lived on Both).
The Cost of Living on a Boat for our Family of Five.
38. “…When the storm rages fierce, Hoist the sail to the top. Oh, how merry the Storm-King appears!…”
– The Northmen, a Viking Saga
39. “Now…bring me that horizon.”
– Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
Quotes About Pirates

Our kids’ morning would often start with climbing the mast, adjusting a sail, or dropping anchor. They spied for boats, found treasures after tourists left the beach, explored caves.
Except for the rum, I feel that our cruising life brought them as close to that childhood dream of being a pirate, as one can get.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
40. “Every generation welcomes the pirates from the last.”
– Lawrence Lessig
41. “As to hanging, it is no great hardship. For were it not for that, every cowardly fellow would turn pirate and so unfit the sea, that men of courage must starve.”
– Mary Read
42. “Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.”
– Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic
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45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
43. “There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea; I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates.”
– James Russsell Lowell
44. “Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.”
– Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi
45. “Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.”
– Captain Jack Sparrow, “Pirates of the Caribbean”
Boating Life and Cruising Quotes

I can probably invent at least 81 quotes on boating life, myself. I probably should.
Living on a sailboat and cruising offers an endless supply of events, feelings and emotions. Sufficient to write stories, songs and books for years to come.
Yep, boat life is that unique. Just as those people said it:
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
46. “It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.”
– Sir Francis Drake, Sea Captain
47. “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
– William Arthur Ward
48. “Anchor as though you plan to stay for weeks, even if you intend to leave in an hour.”
– Tommy Moran
Boat life:
Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
49. “Only two sailors, in my experience, never ran aground. One never left port and the other was an atrocious liar.”
– Don Bamford
50. “The goal is not to sail the boat, but rather to help the boat sail herself.”
– John Rousmaniere
51. “The lovely thing about cruising is that planning usually turns out to be of little use.”
– Dom Degnon
You might be wondering:
Can you Live on a Boat? Yes, and Now is the Right Time.
Catamaran vs Monohull: Let’s Solve This (we Lived on Both).
The Cost of Living on a Boat for our Family of Five.
52. “There is no better tool or equipment you can have on board than a well-trained crew.” – Larry Pardey, cruise’There is no better tool or equipment you can have on board than a well-trained crew.”
– Larry Pardey
53. “A tourist remains an outsider throughout his visit; but a sailor is part of the local scene from the moment he arrives.”
– Anne Davison
54. “To be successful at sea we must keep things simple.”
– R. D. (Pete) Culler
Best Quotes for the Galley

Almost any good kitchen quote can find its way into the galley of a boat.
I loved my galley and I loved cooking in it. But it was hot, with limited supplies and few conveniences and gadgets.
Oh, add the occasional seasickness, and do not wonder why I picked these witty quotes.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
55. “Sandwiches are wonderful. You don’t need a spoon or a plate!”
– Paul Lynde
56. “Cooking well doesn’t mean cooking fancy.”
– Julia Child
57. “She who cooks, never cleans.”
– Unknown
58. “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.”
– W.C. Fields
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45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
59. “This evening’s forecast includes a 0% chance of me cooking.”
– Unknown
60. “Save the earth! It’s the only planet with coffee.”
– Unknown
61. “I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, “Well, that’s not going to happen.”
– Unknown
Quotes About the Sea

This is someone else’s world. We are merely visitors.
The sea is a world with few instructions, no signs and lots of stars. It is really, really hard not to leave you with your head spinning and wanting more.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
62. “A man is never lost at sea.”
– Ernest Hemingway
63. “The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea.”
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh
64. “Most of us, I suppose, are a little nervous of the sea. No matter what its smiles may be, we doubt its friendship.”
– H.M. Tomlinson
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Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
65. “There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about the sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath.”
– Herman Melville
66. “Limitless and immortal, the waters are the beginning and end of all things on earth.”
– Heinrich Zimmer
67. “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep.
The more I give thee, the more I have,
For both are infinite.”
– William Shakespeare
You might be wondering:
Can you Live on a Boat? Yes, and Now is the Right Time.
Catamaran vs Monohull: Let’s Solve This (we Lived on Both).
The Cost of Living on a Boat for our Family of Five.
68. “How inappropriate it is to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Sea.”
– Arthur C. Clarke
69. “I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea.”
– Alaine Gerbault
70. “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
– Jacques Yves Cousteau
Quotes About Fishing

Ah, the joy of catching a fish, and cooking it, and being grateful for it.
It is hard to describe.
What is even harder to describe is how hard fish are to catch and the average price per fish caught, after the initial investment of all the fishing gear.
Do not get me started!
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
71. “The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”
– Vincent Van Gogh
72. “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Give him a fishing lesson and he’ll sit in a boat drinking beer every weekend.”
– Alex Blackwell
73. “The two best times to fish is when it’s rainin’ and when it ain’t.”
– Patrick F. McManus
Be inspired:
45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
81 Best Sailing Quotes & Captions. Stuff Boaters Really Say.
74. “The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.”
– A.K. Best
75. “My biggest worry is that when I’m dead and gone, my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.”
– Koos Brandt
76. “Do not tell fish stories where the people know you. Particularly, don’t tell them where they know the fish.”
– Mark Twain
Sailing Quotes of Old

We will not be reinventing the wheel.
Here are some truths and wise words, of those who came before us. Whose eyes gazed upon those same stars, and whose feet splashed in those same waters.
We are not smarter, nor more sophisticated, nor better.
We are simply the next old.
All of our posts on: Boat Life @ No Texting & Tacking.
77. A smooth sea never made skilled mariner.
– Old English Saying
78. Bound is a boatless man.
– Viking Expression
79. You will reach your destination, even though you travel slowly.
– Old Viking saying
Boat life:
Pros and Cons of Living on a Boat. By Experienced Boaters.
Why We Never Missed Space, While Living on a Sailboat
80. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors, take warning.
– Old Saying, unknown origin.
81. Travel far and wide and you should possess the secrets of man.
– Norse Mythology
Final Thoughts: Sailing Quotes
Wow, what a fun treasure hunt!
It took a while to collect these amazing sailing quotes and captions. I hope they cheer, inspire and console your yearning, restless spirit, as they did mine.
If you enjoyed this post, please share it. Thank you.
Fair winds, fellow dreamer.
More sailing and traveling inspiration
45 Epic Sailing Movies We Will Watch Over and Over…
85 Beloved Sailing Songs (and Karaoke). The Only Playlist you Need.