Is boat life mostly lovely sunsets?

A few reasons why it's lovely. And a few why it is not.

We love it - pros:

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1. It's an adventure of a lifetime.

Visit and explore more places than you can imagine. Some only reachable by water.

2. Try different neighborhoods.

Find a marina, or an anchorage to call home. Change locations as you wish.

3. Enjoy an affordable waterfront.

Front-row living means dropping anchor, not depleting your savings.

4. Live a simpler life.

Less stuff means fewer worries, smaller bills, more freedom and time for coffee.

5. Never clean snow again.

Or, if you like snow, take a ski vacation. With lower expenses, it is affordable.

But boat-life is not a light task - cons:

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1. There is always something to fix.

Boat repairs are expensive, unless you do them yourself. Boat parts can be hard to find.

2. Seasickness sucks.

If you sail, you will be seasick. Thankfully, there are ways to handle it. Still, it's not fun.

3. Small living space.

Very small indeed. But so efficient, and you have the largest backyard in the world.